Our Affordable Residential Sandblasting Solutions
WASP Blasting provides specialised residential blasting services to domestic, residential and small business customers. We provide competitive rates whilst offering the same quality-assured service and environmentally-friendly systems.
Get an obligation-free quote and friendly helpful information so you can make the most informed decision about your requirements.
Some Of The Domestic And Residential Blasting Services We Can Provide Are:
- Internal and external brick, paint, render and bagging removal and cleaning
- Exposed aggregate surfaces and repairs to concrete slabs
- Hardwood timber and furniture blasting
- Pool and pool paving blasting and cleaning
- Waterproofing preparation
- Bluestone and sandstone block and paving cleaning
- Tuck point brick and heritage gentle paint removal
- Non-slip surfaces
- Corrosion and rust removal and treatment
- Wrought Iron and lacework blasting and priming
- Car chassis and car part blasting (all medias-Garnet, plastic bead, soda, staurolite etc)
- Trailer blasting and priming
- Aluminium blasting (glass bead and plastic)
- Iron and hardwood furniture
- Water Pressure Cleaning
- Soda Blasting
- and many more...
Wet Blasting To Remove Failing Painted Coatings To Residential Driveway.